Tag Archives: China

WHO Declares Global Health Emergency


A few days ago, I posted on Facebook that I thought the World Health Organization’s decision not to declare a global emergency for the Novel Coronavirus was a mistake. A couple of days ago I blogged about whether we have actually learned any lessons from SARS – as the public health officials keep telling us https://jasonslyric.wordpress.com/2020/01/27/did-sars-teach-us-anything-at-all/.

Well, today the World Health Organization (WHO) finally did what they should have done a week ago. They finally declared a global health emergency. I still strongly believe the delay was due to an attempt to quell panic. Governments and International Health Organizations always weigh public information against public panic – possibly leading to anarchy and disorder and opt to keep us in the dark.

I’m not sure about you, but I’m a bit fed up with public health organizations and political figures telling us not buy into all of the disinformation and ‘myths’ circulating online regarding this coronavirus. The reason I’m fed up is because the government hasn’t really told us anything. And if there’s a void in actual facts and information coming from official sources, people will simply fill that void with disinformation and urban legends. Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has never met a television camera he didn’t like. He’s the King of self-publicity and yet he hasn’t given a press conference or issued a public statement regarding this virus. Why not? Aren’t times of public fear the ideal opportunity to be a leader and lead and provide assurance to your citizens? I guess not!

So, make of this what you will. Public Health Canada are still telling us not to panic. Their advice not to wear facemasks is obviously falling on deaf ears because everywhere is sold out of N95 facemasks. Since the government is unwilling or unable to give us the facts, it’s left up to bloggers and concerned citizens like myself to do our little part to disseminate the facts. So here it is;


As of today, January 30, 2020, there are a reported 8200 cases worldwide. There are 7800 reported cases in China with 170 deaths. Keep in mind, yesterday, there were 6000 reported cases in China with 130 deaths. Therefore, in just twenty-four hours, there has been an increase of 1800 cases and 40 deaths – just in China! And please keep in mind this whole crisis just started a little over a month ago.

Today the United States confirmed it’s first case of human to human transmission – a Chicago man who caught it from his wife who had recently returned from a trip to Wuhan. In fact, there have been at least 8 cases of human to human transmission in at least five countries outside of China.

A State Department airplane landed at March Air Reserve Base, outside Riverside California with American evacuees from Wuhan. All 200 people onboard are being kept for observation at the base. The thing is, they haven’t stated how long they will be monitored. I would think the full two weeks would be common sense. But so far, a quarantine order has only been issued for one person from that flight and that was because they tried to leave the base. Therefore, that person will be kept in quarantine for the full two-week cycle, but what about the rest?

A British flight will be landing in the UK in a few hours with British evacuees. All the people onboard that flight will be kept in quarantine at either a RAF military base or a disused NHS facility – the British government haven’t clarified which one yet.

And of course, there’s Canada and our fearless leader Justin Trudeau. Yesterday we heard that Ottawa was in the process of acquiring an airplane to fly the roughly 170 Canadians home. But today the government stated there is no clear timeline. Why am I not surprised that our government often appears incapable and incompetent? We’re like a third world country with first world problems. Absolutely shameful. And knowing that we here in Canada have learned plenty of lessons from SARS, when we do finally get a plane to evacuate the Canadians, we’ll probably tell them all to go home and self-quarantine!

It’s ironic that’s I’m writing this blog from a Starbucks near my house and just today Starbucks closed all 2000 of their outlets in China. But, rest assured. There’s nothing to worry about. Our fantastic leaders have got this under control.