Monthly Archives: April 2024

I’m back

Okay, okay, I know….it’s been a while. You’re probably wondering what the hell happened to me. My last full blog was right at the beginning of the pandemic. I did have a little comment about Russian tennis players being banned from Wimbledon, and then by some divine intervention, a long diatribe from the All England Club and the Committee of Management of The Championships magically appeared on my blog, with my ability to delete it, mysteriously disabled.

Well, in case you’re curious, I didn’t perish during the once in a lifetime pandemic, that will probably show up a couple more times during our lifetimes. My absenteeism could be blamed on two things – severe writer’s block and political correctness!

Let’s deal with the first one. Writer’s block is a bitch! I also suffer from Distractionitis. I get distracted very easily, which is why I need to find some remote cabin in the mountains, with no distractions, where I can sit an type away, without running to the refridgerator every few minutes or putting on the television to watch just one program, that soon turns out to be the entire Netflix library. Also, admittedly, I need to stay away from Instagram and Facebook videos. I swear five minutes always turns into 1.5 hours of viewing mind-numbing, but somehow intriguing videos without me knowing where exactly the time went.

The second reason I mentioned was political correctness. Like many individuals, I was forced to pivot during the pandemic. Therefore I started doing some virtual events for some big corporate clients. This paid the bills, however it prevented me from churning out the sometimes politically incorrect blogs, that my readers have come to love…and probably hate. Corporate companies have absolutely zero capacity for scandal or any smear of anything politically incorrect. They cannot be seen to have any link to anyone or anything controversial. That’s why I felt I couldn’t blog and be the real me. I often write about racism and issues impacting the black community and let’s face it…the white corporate world doesn’t exactly give two shits about that!

But there’s something to be said for memorializing your thoughts on paper. Looking back on the lifespan of my ‘sane ramblings’ the first blog was published in 2010, almost fifteen years ago. It’s interesting to look back in time and see what issues mattered most to me back then, and see if much has changed in the following years.

Therefore I will endeavour to make a concerted effort to update this blog more frequently. As they say, the pen is mightier than the sword!

Jason Peat, 2:49pm, April 1st, 2024